Resurrection Part 2

As Mother Earth and humanity continue on the journey of ascension, we move into the resurrection phase.  We know that the ascension process is a challenging one and although humans have gone through it before, this time we are taking our physical bodies with us. As I have mentioned in my previous article, in order to accomplish this process, we are literally dying cell by cell and regenerating cell by cell. Please see Resurrection; the Next Phase of Ascension if you have not read it yet.

The goal to ascension is to bring us into the 5th dimension and into the Golden Era.  In this dimension will be more heart centred and oneness will be felt by all. The resurrection process allows us to rise up into the 5th dimension and humanity is currently undergoing this part of the ascension process now.  As you can imagine, it is not a simple process and take time to move through.

Personally I was one of a few who began the process early, in order to help the Benevolent Beings who execute this process determine what works best. I am happy to say that after 3 long and challenging months, I have just completed my resurrection.  It cumulated in a beautiful ceremony that took 24hrs to complete and several days to integrate. This event was powerful, magical and potent. I definitely feel lighter, happier, energetic and at peace. Know that this ceremony will be unique to each individual based on who you are, what your gifts are and your team’s creativity.

happy dragon

The strangest thing for me is to continue living and working as I do in 3&4D but getting to know the 5D reality. There was nothing instantaneous about it, being in 3&4D at one moment then in 5D in another and then back to 3&4D. It is odd but very organic. After those difficult months, I am joyously exploring and learning to function in my new world. And yes, there will continue to be challenges but I know that I can move through anything after moving through this process.

As you go through your resurrection and face the challenges you will face, remember that there is an end and that you will rise into the 5th dimension.

Although the whole process is different to each individual as it is tailored to personal needs and progress, the base is the same. If you experience any challenging moment, I can help you so feel free to connect with me at
for a session.

peace dragon

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