The Elementals and The 12 Days of Christmas

What are the 12 days of Christmas?  Many people think it is the days leading up to Christmas or 12 days around Christmas and 12 days of gift giving. That is what commercialism has done. In fact, it came about from the 12 days it took the magi to arrive after the heralding of the birth of Jesus. The gifts came when the magi arrived, and it was to celebrate the return of the light with the birth of Jesus.

The story of Christmas is really a skewed version of the truth behind the ancient earth magic practices. There are hints to the truth in the religious version. According to the catholic religion, the 12 days are December 25th to January 6th. I believe that the birth happened on the solstice rather than the 25th. His birth is significant and central to the meaning connected to the 12 days, that is the return of the light to earth.

Why did Joseph and Mary stay in the cold drafty manger with a new born for at least 12 days? Certainly, the magi could have found them if they moved to more suitable conditions. I believe that it is to represent what earth magic signifies, in that it is time to be in the stillness and listening. When the magi arrive, it is about the celebration. In earth magic, the12 days begin after winter solstice until January 3, so the 12 days are truly December 22-Jan 2.

earth magic
There is profound power and magic behind these 12 days. And there is deeper wisdom related to the 12 days of the earth magic practice.

Earth magic is all about being connected to earth and the rhythms of all connected to earth. This includes the sun, the moon, the stars, nature and the elementals. Through this, natural cycles unfold as does the yearly wheel. All practice related to the natural cycles contains power and magic.

The 12 holiday days are a significant piece in the yearly cycle. As you know, the year follows the quarterly turn of winter to spring to summer to fall. Within each of those quarters are significant dates, portals that allow inner shifts, such as Equinoxes and Solstices.

In the Celtic traditions, there are 8 significant celebratory dates that mark significant passages of inner work. The Winter Solstice is often called Yule. Yule celebrates the return of the light as the days begin to grow in number of daylight hours. Yet Yule focuses solely on the return of the light with 12 days of feasting and celebration. Earth magic doesn’t focus solely on the return of the light or celebrations. It certainly acknowledges the return of light and there are celebrations, but the focus is on deep inner work.

The elementals have never stopped working with earth magic. The information is there for all to access when we are ready. They have reminded me of the power and magic of these important days.

If you would like to learn more about earth magic 12 days, please join me and the elementals for Rebirthing with the Elementals Etheric Retreat at Otherworld Treasures on December 19th.

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