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Precipitation Clearing

This video is to clear negative energy placed in the precipitation from complaining about it and from other negative offloading. This is supported by a dragon and many unicorns.

When you play this video in your area with the intent to clear the negativity out of the precipitation, the unicorns will assist by taking these vibrations and amplifying them.  Once it is cleared, they will infuse the area with Divine Love which will enable the original codes to resume their function. The dragon holds space for this.

You can replay this video in the same area and in other areas as many times as you feel called to.



Samhain Celebration

The fire elementals & I created a canvas for transmutation.

Click on the link below.  Look at the many images of fire and enjoy the magic. See if you can find any images. What message are they conveying to you? Do the colours have any significance to you? Take your time, bring it all in and allow the fire to move through you, transmuting anything that could get in the way of receiving the message. You can also imagine throwing into the fire all that you are ready to let go of. Burn away all that is no longer required. Use the short video to get you out of the mind.

If you are experiencing issues, try this link  You can also highlight and copy the link.