The Beauty and Magic of Nature & the Elementals

Working with the elementals is rewarding and they never cease to amaze me. Their ability to draw one to the magic and beauty of nature is one subtle way that they work with humans daily whether we realize it or not.

Their magic is subtle and yet so very powerful.  Even before my stressful week began, they sent me an article on how to build a camp fire. The article was not helpful to me, but it prompted me to book a campsite and even though it was the long weekend, there were sites available at several locations. I felt a strong pull towards this one site at this one location, so I booked it.  When the stressful week ended, and I love how they knew that I was going to have one and had a plan for it, I was glad to have an escape for the weekend. It is good to get out of the city now and again, not just to get away from the concrete, artificial lighting, noise and intense energies but to enjoy the simple beauty nature offers. I love driving away from the city and feeling the energies lighten and relax.

When my daughter and I got the site, it turned out to be same one that we camped on the year before with her friend. It was the site where I met Farley and Santa and wrote about. (Farley & Santa) I felt Santa and he introduced me to his clan. I felt them all through the gully by our site. I the pictures you can see Santa peering through the shrubbery and in the orb on the tent. 

After we set up, ventured out to enjoy the hot sunny day and then struggled with the wet tent and missing supper because of the rain, we were lucky to be able to make a fire before bed. We sat by the fire, watching the flames dance as the light faded. Before the dark set in, I caught movement with my peripheral vision in the brush around our site. I searched for the source of the movement and then realized that it was light flashes I was noticing. We were being blessed with some of nature’s magic. As daylight continued to fade and it got darker and darker, the light of the fireflies twinkled all over. When I walked to the facilities in the dark, I felt like I was in a magical land. It was so expansive and amazing. I wished I could have filmed this spectacular display to share with you, but it is really something best experienced yourself.

As I settled in for the night, I sensed Santa outside. When I asked about Farley, as I noticed the tree missing, Santa told me that he is around in spirit.  Then his clan joined him and then all the gnomes from the whole area. Santa reminded me of the healing work I did the previous year and let me know how much it was appreciated and that it was their turn to give back.  I had no idea how they were going to do so but they moved on and then Bolata, the Queen of the Imps came in and thanked me for my consideration towards insects, even the biting ones and presented the fireflies as a gift of gratitude. I was so moved by all of this. I thought that my sleep would be great, but it suddenly got noisy with fellow campers and long weekend fireworks that I became more stressed, frustrated with campers bringing the city with them. Despite the eventual quietness and outstanding night sounds, the stress did its damage and I didn’t sleep much. When I woke up in pain and exhausted, I could sense that I was still holding the stress from the week and the exhaustion allowed me the venue to cry.  It felt good to cry and the energy moved. Even though I was still tired and a space cadet for most of the day, I knew that I was held and supported by the nature beings all around me. I was able to relax and enjoy the moment.

When we went to find the laundry machines to dry our things, we found them out of order. We stayed to plug in our phones and in that quietness of waiting, we were able to witness a mama deer with a baby in tow cross through the brush across the road into the wooded area. No one around noticed but I knew that it was the elementals acknowledging the gentleness we were giving ourselves this day. My daughter ran off to take pictures and when she came back, I ventured over to see if any more deer would come through.  None did but I sensed the elementals in the woods.

We enjoyed so much visual beauty from the scenery, the flowers, fauna and rich green colours all around. Yet these spectacular sights are just one way that nature gifts us. All our senses got to experience the magic and beauty of nature. The energy is softer, the air is cooler, the smells are earthy and fresh, and the sounds are amazing.

Sounds are something special when one sleeps outside. Once the other campers settled and quiet set in, I enjoyed the call of the loons, the hoot of the barred owl, the rustling of the critters in the bush, the marauding of the raccoons as they investigate tables and sometimes clanged pots and bowls left out and then the early morning woodpeckers and songbirds.

The physical senses are stimulated as well with the dirt in the nails, the sand between the toes, the rocks in the sandals, the mosquitoes and biting flies, and twigs scrapping the toes as I trip over them. The sting of the cold water on the skin in dipping in the lake. There are also the tastes of eating food from the campfire, smoky, ashy, sometimes burnt on one side, not quite finished on the other. The cool chilly air at night in contrast to the hot days in the sun. And of course, the hard lumpy and surface we slept on and in our case wet from the rain leaking into the tent. These are all wonders as they remind me that I am a physical being in a physical plane.

It can be hard to see the beauty when dealing with a few challenges. When you look at it from a different perspective, you can see these are opportunities to shift the energies.  As I contemplated these struggles and the amount of work it takes to do even the simplest of tasks away from our comfort, I wonder how our forebearers did it. What we called roughing it would have been a picnic to them.  What they lived was true survival, what we go through are guided experiences supported by our cosmic team to help us release energies we no longer need. I could feel all the elementals holding me as I struggled and then surrendered. They rejoiced as I opened up even more fully to the beauty and magic around me. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have escaped the city and to be present to the magic that is always around us. I am so very grateful for my relationship with the elementals and their continued support. IMG_0221