The Lightworkers’s Path

Being on the lightworker’s path is not easy.  We came here to do important stuff and it drives us to become better people and to figure out our purpose.   In fact it can drive us insane trying to figure out what it is we are supposed to do.  We spend a lot of time, energy and money on healing sessions, taking classes, going to workshops and reading books.  All we want is for all of our clairs to open wide and get to work.tunnel

With each step we clear out old stuff, learn our lessons and expand.  We spend all of our time growing yet we can feel like we have not progressed one bit.  It gets very frustrating when we don’t see the results we hope for.  Life becomes one lesson after the other.  We wonder, will I ever graduate?  With every layer we peal we ask ourselves; “how many are there?!”  Worst yet, we come across layers on subjects we already dealt with.  Guess what?  The universe lets us know that we also have layers to the layers; different vibrations and perspectives to them.  Good grief; you’re kidding right?!

So just to recap, the path is covered in lessons and layers and layers of stuff to clear away yet we don’t see the results we want.  We feel like we are no further ahead and maybe not supposed to do anything along these lines. Then we tell ourselves, what is the point?

We all get to the point where we just want to give up.  We just want to throw in the towel and see if we can live an oblivious life like so many others are doing.  But you know you can’t.  You have seen the light.  You have felt the light.  You have been the light.  It may be for small periods at a time but you have, and you can’t go back to being asleep.

Let me tell you, whether this part of your journey lasts weeks, months, years or even decades, being in this spot is a good. The pain and dark you feel you are in, is a good sign.  It means you have made it to the darkest part of the tunnel.  Going forward, the light will increase.  And when you get to the other end; that is when you will see who you are and what you came here to do.  You just have to make through this dark part.

It is part of our natural cycle of life; just like the seasons that move through the cycle and the days become darker and darker until they arrive at the winter solstice and then the days get brighter and brighter.  If we knew we would have to go down this tunnel, we would never do it.  We would feel only fear and not venture in.  It is part of the process of awakening.

There is good news, we don’t travel down that tunnel with nothing to show for it.  All of those lessons and layers we worked on provide us with gifts.  If you look, you will see that your bag is getting full.  We just forget to look at or notice the bag.  That’s right; the baggage we leave behind gets exchanged for gifts!  How great is that.  Plus we are clearing baggage for everyone and not just ourselves.  Just doing this we are accomplishing our missions.

Just remember, that lightworkers alive on earth today are here with many special missions and it is a tough and heavy job to bring in a new world.  Give yourself a break and trust.  Trust that you are on the right path and progressing at the right speed.  And know that the lightworker beside you is either in the dark with you or has been there.  Move past the frustration and embrace the process.  Take a deep breath and give yourself a pat for being here doing this work because you are doing great!


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